
Monday, July 5, 2010

Army SSC Officer Techncial 36th Men and 7th Women Entry April-2011


36th SSC (Technical) Men and 7th SSC (Technical) Women Course April 2011

Applications are invited from Married / Unmarried male and unmarried female, issueless wodow, issueless divorcee and widows of defence personnels for grant of SSC to the Indian Army
  • 36th SSC (Tech.) : 50 posts, Age : 20-27 years beorn between 02 April 1984 to 01 April 1991, Qualification : A degree in Engineering or equivalent degree from a recognised University in relevant.
  • 7th SSC(T) Women : 38 posts, Age : 19-29 years for Graduate in any discipline and 20-31 years for BE/ B.Tech.
  • Physical Standard: min. height 157.5 cm (152 for women) , better eye 6/6 and worst eye 6/18
  • Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 5400 + MSP Rs. 6000
Method of Selection: Initial Screening and short listing of applicants will be done at Recruiting Directorate Army Headquarters. Selected (shortlisted) candidates will be called for Service Selection Board (SSB) interview at Allahabad, Bhopal and Bangalore for fives selection process. In which candidates will be put through Psychological test, Group Test and Interview.

How to Apply: Applicaiton Forms in accordance with the prescribed format, colour paper and xomplete in all respects with superscription on the envelope in red ink "36th SSC (Tech.) Men and 7th SSC (Tech.) Women and Widow of Defence Personnel Entry" is to be sent by Registered post to the following address to reach by 20/08/2010 to Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), Adjutant General's branch, Addl. Directorate General of Recruiting, TGC Entry, West Block III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi -110066 for 36th SSC (T) Men and to Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), Adjutant General's branch, Addl. Directorate General of Recruiting, Women Entry, West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066 for 7th SSC (T) Women on or before 09/08/2010.

Further detail regarding this entry scheme can be seen at http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. / also at http://indianarmy.nic.in/career.html. Details also available in the Employment News dated 3-9, 2010. Application form http://indianarmy.nic.in/form.pdf can be used.

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