
Saturday, March 13, 2010

UPRVUNL and UPJVNL recruitment for various jobs March2010

UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL)
(A Govt. of UP Undertaking)
Room No. 431, 4th Floor, Shakti Bhawan Extn., Lucknow

Advt. No. U-04/UPRVUNL/2010

UPRVUNL and UPJVNL (UP Jal Vidyut Nigam ) require bright young professionals in the field of Engineering, Medical, Finance and Accounts and Chemistry through Online from Indian citizens for the following executive and Miniterial Positions :

Executive Level :
  1. Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre : 175 posts (Electrical-55, Mechanical-50, Electronics & Instrumentation-50, Computer-20), Age : 21-35 years
  2. Assistant Engineer (Trainee) Civil Cadre : 25 posts, Age : 21-35 years
  3. Accounts Ofifcer (Trainee) : 04 posts, Age : 21-35 years
  4. Medical Officer : 01 post, Age : 21-35 years
  5. Chief Chemist : 25 posts, Age : 21-35 years
Supervisory Level :
  1. Junior Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre : 125 posts (Electrical-45, Mechanical-33, Electronics-32, Computer-15), Age : 18-35 years
  2. Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil Cadre : 25 posts, Age : 18-35 years
  3. Assistant Accountant : 15 posts, Age : 18-35 years
  4. Office Assistant Gr.III : 13 posts, Age : 20-35 years
Supervisory Level at UPJVNL :
  1. Junior Engineer (Trainee) E&M Cadre : 15 posts (Electrical-7, Mechanical-4, Electronics-4, Computer-15), Age : 18-35 years
  2. Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil Cadre : 06 posts, Age : 18-35 years

Candidates expectinf their resuls by 31/07/2010 can also apply.

How to Apply : Apply online from 17/03/2010 to 07/04/2010 at UPRVUNL website only. After applying online, please take a print out and sendthis with application fee to Post Bag No. 07, Srinivas Puri Post Office, New Delhi - 110065 so as to reach on or before 17/04/2010.

Please visit http://www.uprvunl.org/ or http://www.epostbag.com/upcl1003 for details and apply online.

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