
Friday, March 12, 2010

IIT Indore Faculty Jobs March2010

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
Indore (MP)

Advertisement No.E-69/2009-2010

IIT Mumbai as the mentor Institute invites applications from well qualified candidates for faculty positions at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor in various disciplines at IIT Indore :
  • Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Humanities & Social Sciences

Qualification : Ph.D. with First class or equivalent (in terms of Grades etc.) at the preceeding degree in the appropriate branch, where relevant, and with a very good academic record throughout with 10 years, 8 years and 3 years experience for Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor respectively.

Pay Scales : Professor : PB4 Rs.37400-67000 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.10500/-, Associate Professor : PB4 Rs.37400-67000 with Academic Grade Pay Rs.9500/-, Assistant Professor : PB3 Rs.15600- 39100 with Academic Grade Pay Rs.8000/-

How to Apply : Application forms completed in all respects are to be submitted by all candidates alongwith necessary enclosures to the Convenor, IIT Indore, C/o. Registrar, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076 on or before 09/04/2010.

Please view document http://www.iitb.ac.in/recruit/AdvertisementIndore.pdf for details and document http://www.iitb.ac.in/recruit/InformationSheetIndore.pdf as information sheet along with application form at http://www.iitb.ac.in/recruit/iitindoreform.pdf and http://www.iitb.ac.in/recruit/iitindoreform.doc

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